
Elastomer Anchor Connection

The SGF Elastomer Anchor Connection revolutionizes the bond between elastomer and metal.

SGF, that’s
Expertise for Anchor Connection

Whether for exhaust system hangers, center bearings, radiator mounts or damper springs – the Elastomer Anchor Connection is multifunctional and revolutionizes the connection between elastomer and metal.

This revolutionary solution replaces complex adhesive bonding processes with a simpler, more efficient method that offers numerous advantages.

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Why the Elastomer Anchor Connection?

The anchor mechanism applies a strong mechanical preload, generating high friction force sufficient to replace traditional adhesive bonding.
Elastomer Klemmverbindung
Elastomer Anchor Connection for Center Bearings
This offers numerous advantages:

Cost Reduction

  • Elimination of time-consuming adhesive bonding processes
  • Faster and more cost-effective vulcanization at higher temperatures


  • Improved recyclability by eliminating chemical adhesive coatings
  • Eco-friendly production process


  • Enhanced component lifespan by reducing (tensile) stress peaks at the elastomer-metal transition


Elastomer-metal connections in various components, including

  • Exhaust system hangers
    Elastomer Klemmverbindung bei Abgasaufhängung


  • Radiator mounts


  • Center bearings

Elastomer Klemmverbindung

  • Equipment mounts (e.g., compressors)


  • Pipe and line clamps


  • Damper springs


Ask us about your specific application!

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Do you still have questions about our products, our technology or do you want us to develop the right solution for you? No problem! We look forward to the exchange with you! 

  Give us a call: +49 8638 605 0
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